Sunday, 10 May 2015

Cut off from the world...

Where has Dina been?

She's made another blog and abandoned it again...

I've been having issues with my internet connection for the last month. For a while now, my partner and I have been living off 6gb/month, using a dongle. We've finally (took us long enough!) realised that that's not going to cut it, especially when one of us watches a lot of anime... So during our transition phase from dongle to "real" internet, we've kinda been cut off from the online world. Especially as we normally reach our quota within a week of it being reset... #firstworldproblems

You can imagine that as a teacher, that causes a few problems! And also as an avid anime watcher, there are huge problems in that department!! But hopefully we'll be back online and I can catch up with things.

I've been missing participating in Twitter chats, and seeing what my online PLN is up to. I've been missing being able to check the weather at a few taps on my phone. I most certainly miss my animated crushes *sigh*
One of my favourite arcs in this anime.
And like most teachers, I miss Googling things the night before, haha. I kid. I only do that sometimes. Like... How do you explain an exothermic reaction to 8-year olds, in language that they'll understand?

According to my ISP, I should've been online 2 days ago. But still nothing. So here I am, on Mother's Day, ignoring my mother and writing to you lot instead. 

So nyah; I did not abandon my blog. But I am also not abandoning my mother, so toodle-oo.

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