Hi all! How've you been? Apologies for my lack of posts... Went overseas, where I had limited internet access. Upon returning home, I just got lazy. You know, where you get used to no internet, and re-discover life? But hey, that happens to everyone, right? Riiight?
Well, all that aside, I am back now. And my holiday was pretty fantastic; thanks for asking!
So what's new in education for 2016? Let's start with ClassDojo! I am so pleased to share with you some new features of this amazing digital tool (honestly, I just love CD so much): School Story, and School Leader Accounts. As the names suggest, these features provide a school-wide approach to accessing and using ClassDojo.
School Story builds on the already existing messaging feature, by allowing leaders and teachers to post and share photos, videos, and messages to all parents connected to the school. A great way to include parents in assemblies, share exciting news, reminders about important dates, like those pupil free days. And in our bid to create a more sustainable environment, this will save on so much printing and photocopying of those school newsletters that easily end up in the yard on the kids' way out. Sharing news through School Story also allows parents to instantly translate it into the language their most comfortable with, breaking down those language barriers.
School leaders can now also create their own accounts, allowing them to share important moments with parents, through messages, photos, and videos.
Existing users, all you need to do is update your apps and voila, new features! And the rest of you... Sign up to ClassDojo now! What are you waiting for??